Friday 4 January 2013


Hello my DARLINGS..

Today adalah hari yg sgt boring for me!i balik from office awal then bosan xtau nak buat ape.i pon bukak FB,tengok balik semua gmbar2 lama. n I was like,"kenapa i buat muka mcm ni ek?"..
''alaaa knape i pkai baju tu???'' ..''kenapa rambut i mcm tu???'' Paling ketara sekali yalah, "kenapa dulu I kurus???'' 

i started to delete my old pics yg i rase tak nak. banyak kot...rase nak delete semua je,hahahaa.
Then i trjmpe gmba2 mase 
i join ZianaFolks. oppsss i am ZIANA ZAIN's fan!!! im not the number 1 but i minat dia since i was 6!now
im 27(i wish i am still 23). i love the way she is! sangat suka! teringat mase kecik2 dulu,i sgt obsess dgn ZZ ni,siap simpan duit beli kasset dia.kene marah dgn mak,sbb mak bg duit suruh beli makanan,tp i pegi beli
kasset. balik2 mak bebel n suruh i makan kasset tu,try boleh kenyang ke x.hahahaa. 
I can still remember all her songs, movies,etc etc.fuhhh xley bgtau betapa obsess nya i dkat dia.
and ade one time tu, i bagi dia card raya(mase tu post dekat BMG music),i suruh die jadikan i adik angkat dia. Rase2 ziana zain baca x???

Fans ZZ ni sgt happening.. seriously.u guys can tengok sendiri kan, if ZZ naik stage je,betapa rmai org jerit kat dia..peminat yg sgt supportive. I bet xde peminat artis lain yg mcm Zianafolks. diorang sgt gila n all out everytime ZZ perform. ingat ZZ je all out atas stage??kitorg pon tau.
Now since dah bertunang, i sgt bz n xsmpat nak join ZF ni. 
i was planning nak jemput ZZ dtg on my wedding day. my friends cakap i gila,but..xkira! i nak jugak! 

kak gee n kak erra(rakaman raya 2012)

my ZF's Tshirt

me and kak gee(excuse myface)

ok darlings,
till then,


Wednesday 2 January 2013

Sepetang di TELAWI- DIP&DIP

Hi my Darls,

Today i would like to share n review about my current obsession. it's DipNDip ,at Telawi ,Bangsar.
kepada chocolate and cocoa lovers,silalah ke DipNDip ni. ohh actually im not into chocolate,the sweet-sweet things, BUT this chocolate is totally different! not so manis. u can taste the balance between manis n xmanis. susah nak explain, u guys kene datang baru tau.

For me, DipNDip is far better than Delicious. sebab rase makanan dia balance. Bila makan rase mcm gemuk tp xgemuk balik.phm x?hahahaaa.

But for those yg pernah dtg, mesti akan ade problem with tempat duduk. because actually tempat ni quite kecik (it's about 12small tables). and mcm biase lah, MOST of the customers yg dtg akan ambil masa about 2-3hours to enjoy the meal plus borak borak etc. me also!

if u come especially during weekend,fuhhh....confirm full! belom lagi dgn org yg dtg dgn family, anak2 kecik and baby in the stroller...sesak gila!  huhu. nasib la kan. nasib baek i dtg berdua je,so xdelah tunggu lama sgt kan..but u dont worry,  their staffs are very nice and friendly 
if u all datang then tempat is full, biasenya diorg akan suruh kite tinggalkan phone number,then will call us up once the table is available. :)


my drink


our meal,sharing is caring


oppsst i pegi berdua tau,bukan sorang. biaselah si aizat malu nak bergambar. hihi
For those yg xpernah dtg sini, u all kene datang. trust me,u will not regret. :)

ok darling-darling,

till then,

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Hunting Videographer

holaa my Darlings..

i was so bz lately, bz dgn family (mak and abah are here! yes in KL) with kerja yg xpernah mencari my OV jugak.haih..
oh yes yes!. tadi I baru lepas jmpe Hora Horey, i met Hairul,the founder of HH,
we discuss about the video etc. He explained everything about the video. contoh2 video previous customers..not bad!but still, feeling tu xsama mcm i dpt book Fad Manaf. oppssst later i share about my OP to u all kay?
Balik2 rumah, si Maria bgtau yang CST Breed will announce their new promo tomorrow.then dia suruh i  tunggu esok to confirm. Maria cakap, 'Awied, ko kan artis, ko kene amek CST jugak.Hello... xkan ko nak buat video biase2 je? come on Awied.ko AWIED..CST ..CST..!'
Gila x roomate i?? ohh Maria, sesungguhnya mancis ko x basah kali ni. kite tunggu esok k?
I know the best is yet to come. i will wait! insyaAllah.Amin..
